Satish and Sindhu go into retro mode for Love In Mandya

If Love In Mandya's Currentu Hoda Time Alli, rendered by Bollywood singer Bappi Lahiri, has caught the attention of many for its peppy tune and energetic beats, the retro track Ondu Aparoopada Gana has been the most memorable track for the film's team and its lead actors.

Shot in the 80s style, the song uses interesting sequences and some forgotten camera filters, which cinematographer Sugunan organized from a veteran DOP. Calling this his most memorable sequence on the set, lead actor Satish Ninasam explains, "The whole team couldn't stop laughing during the shoot of this song as it had an 80s flavour, in terms of the good ol' dance steps and the retro costumes. Throughout the shoot of this song, we were reminded of Ambareesh anna, Rajkumar, Vishnu sir, Shivanna and Shankar anna and their films."
He adds, "There's a shot in the song for which Sindhu and I had to jump off a 6 foot chair and that was scary for us to do. Also, there is another sequence in which Sindhu and I had to roll down a hill. While this looks beautiful onscreen, it was extremely difficult for us as thorns and grass would poke us as we rolled downhill. Add to this that we were shooting in Chikkamagaluru, where it was very cold and we wondered how difficult it must have been for actors from that era. This song actually made us respect them even more."