Sandalwood rallies against rape

 Nearly 30 top stars of Sandalwood have come together for a campaign against rape and sexual harassment of women and children by voicing their concerns and solutions in a documentary titled Nirbhaya. A project by Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce (KFCC) on the Kannada film industry's response to sexual crimes, the documentary is made by SK Bhagawan (Dore-Bhagawan fame) and Naganna. Stars, including Shivrajkumar, Puneeth Rajkumar, Upendra, Yash, Amulya and Radhika Pandit, have expressed their views in the short film. 

Bhagawan says, "When protests broke out against rape incidents in Bangalore, the film industry had planned a rally to urge the government to take action against the perpetrators. 

But we gave up the idea after steps were taken. Also, if we hold a rally for a day , it will be forgotten. So the KFCC decided to bring out a short documentary of 3-4 minutes by taking sound bytes from top Sandalwood stars on the issue." "We are involving top stars, including Ambareesh, Prema, Bhavya and Pooja Gandhi, as well as younger crop like Aindrita Ray and Ragini,'' said Bhagawan. 

Actor Amulya told TOI that even the state anthem `Jayabharatha Jananiya Thanu Jaathe' begins with a line extolling women. "But the rape of children and mentally challenged persons are a blot on our culture. We need harsh punishment for rapists.'' H D Gangaraju, KFCC president, told TOI that once the documentary is ready , it will be screened in theatres all over Karnataka for a year. 

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