How To Ace Multiple Choice Tests in Biology?

How to prepare for MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions)?

MCQ Biology
Multiple choice questions (MCQs) generally include a sentence or a phrase followed by 3-5 options. These questions will check the clarity of understanding and knowledge in a given topic. In majority of the exams MCQs are preferred over descriptive writing.
Here we will discuss different types of MCQs which are intended for different purposes.
All the sample questions given here are taken from top level biology exam question papers.

Let us move directly into questions:
1. Aspirin was first obtained from the bark of
a) Cinchona tree
b) Neem tree
c) Willow tree
d) Eucalyptus tree
While answering MCQs all the four options will guide you towards the answer and the other side is the same options may encourage us to pick the wrong one. It depends on our knowledge.
Each option will unlock some points about it. Here options are Cinchona tree as a biology student you know Cinchonas bark is famous for anti-malarial drug, quinine. Neem tree, is a source of alkaloid azhadiractin. Willow tree used for making cricket bat.
Eucalyptus oil is the major content of eucalyptus tree. Now pick your answer. We will be discussing it later.
2. Which of the following is an inhibitor of protein synthesis?
a) Penicillin
b) Chloramphenicol
c) Actinomycin D
d) Bacitracin
Bit more tough question. This will not only check your memory but also your clarity or specificity in the matter. Never attempt these questions unless you are pretty sure about at least two options rightly.
You can expect one or two questions from this part directly or indirectly. We have given this in must learn topic, drugs and mode of action. Have a good deep look into it.

3. The Ames test is used to
a) To detect bacteria
b) To detect virus
c) To detect enzymes
d) To detect mutagens
A very easy question for those familiar with different biological tests and what it is for?. You should know the answer. These are “never miss questions”. Answers given at the end.

4. Mycobacterium tuberculosis infects mainly
a) Macrophages
b) Alveolar cells
c) Epithelial cells
d) Th cells
This is again a “must learn” topic Diseases and how pathogens attack. Here HIV virus attacks T helper cells. What happens if a pathogen impairs Th cells?
The result is complete destruction of immune system. The patient is prone to almost all pathogens that are generally harmless. Similarly, Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the causative agent of TB that infects….

5. The rattans and canes that we use in furniture belong to
a) Bamboos
b) Palms
c) Arborescent lillies
d) legumes
I think the above questions has some common features
Type 1: questions intended to check your knowledge by checking your memory
Details: no brain work or mental calculation is required.
Advantage: If you know you are pretty sure about the answer. There is no room for confusion.
Disadvantage: If you have no idea, you may not be able to make even a good guess. Leave it, that is the only option if there is negative marking.
Anybody can answer this question, purely memory based. These are “must answer” questions.
Mode of learning (MOL): simply read good text books especially give attention to important points (given in box or box points). No brain work or active learning is required. You should have gone through wide range of subjects in biology. Read and read and that is it.

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