Google working to make Android Wear work on Apple iOS

Google has reportedly been working to make its Android Wear smartwatch platform work on Apple's iPhone, a source said.

If Google developed the Android Wear and Apple allowed it on its iOS platform, it would put the Android Wear in direct competition with Apple's upcoming Watch.
According to sources close to Google's development team, the tech giant is close to finishing the final technical details related to the plan, The Verge reported.
Android Wear currently works on iPhone through a companion app that enables basic functions like notifications. A few third-party developers have also found ways to make the two rival platforms work together.
However, seeking an approval from Apple could be one of the biggest obstacles in Google's path due to the strict guidelines evolved by the iPhone maker, one of which prohibits apps that mention competing platforms like Android.
Apple has not yet commented on the matter and Google too, has said it had nothing to announce at the moment. 

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