We are the safest air travellers in the world

Did you know that India's rate of air accident is among the lowest in the world and is below the global benchmark?
We may not be up there in terms of quality of aviation services, but if you go by the data put out by the ministry of civil aviation it shows that there has been considerable improvement in aviationsafety in the current year with the number of total aircraft accidents coming down to four from 11 in 2011.
In terms of fatal air accidents, the number is down to one from six during the same period. What is heartening is that there were no helicopters accidents this years compared with 2011's five, of which four were fatal.
On this parameter, India's accident data for commercial scheduled operation rated even better than the US and beats global benchmark. In this category, India's accident rate per million departures is down to zero since 2011 compared to US's performance that ranged between 2.2 and 3.1 accidents for the same period while the world average rate of accidents was between 2.8 and 4.2.
And how exactly was this achieved. The ministry says it all happened because of the stringent actions taken by the aviation regulator Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) that involved regulatory invention, audits and surveillances and interaction with stakeholders and operating crew.

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