Absent parents almost 3 times likelier to die early

A new research has revealed that parents who leave their children are almost three times more likely to die early. According to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) data, since June 2003, 8,515 non-resident parents have died compared to 3,090 residents, the Daily Express reported.
According to the information released under the Freedom of Information Act, 94.8% of CSA cases involved a male nonresident parent, but the cause of their death was not given out. Matt O'Connor, founder of Fathers 4 Justice, said that the department has a responsibility to conduct some meaningful research to understand what is actually behind these "alarming" figures.
O'Connor added that it is not enough to say they don't know why they are this way, suggesting that they should commission the research and get to the truth, which may be that suicide and alcoholism is related to family breakdown.
O'Connor, who admitted to having suicidal thoughts during his own marriage breakdown, added that since he began Fathers 4 Justice he has dealt with cases of fathers who have thrown themselves in front of trains, thrown themselves off bridges, which is a litany of misery.
He continued that there is no money being spent on fathers or men and one of the things they are calling for is a Minister for Men, to champion these kinds of issues. He further added that if you lose your children, you lose your home, you effectively lose your life and then you will be hounded and pursued by this Government on the basis that you have no rights to your children in law, but you have a responsibility to pay. 

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