iOS users more concerned about privacy than Android users

According to a research by cloud storage iDrive, iPhone users are more concerned about their privacy and security as compared to people who use Android operating system.

iDrive conducted the study by taking a look at how many users elected to use private key encrypton for data protection on both Android and iOS mobile platforms.
The service used a total of 20,000 users from each platform to keep the comparison even, reported PCWorld.
According to the report, iOS users backed up 33% more photos, and nearly 20% more videos than Android users.
Patrick Nielsen, Senior Security Researcher at Kaspersky Lab said that iOS and Android both have users ranging from the categories of 'Does not care at all' to 'Cares deeply' on the security and privacy awareness spectrum.
However, it's no coincidence that iOS users seem to rank higher, said Nielsen. 

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