Facebook is not a waste of time says Mark Zuckerberg

Answering the questions in his second public Q&A, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook said that they don't think that a 'Dislike' button is a good thing for world.

"I don't think there needs to be a voting mechanism about whether posts are good or bad. I don't think that's socially very valuable or good for the community to help people share the important moments in their lives." he said. Zuckerberg said that they have had internal discussions on people feeling uncomfortable pressing the 'Like' button on account of its not being a right sentiment for the status put on the wall.
When asked to give an advice to a start-up, he replied, "Don't worry too much about making mistakes. People ask what mistakes I wish I could have avoided. But mistakes are how you learn. The real question is how you learn from them I started out when I was so young. I didn't know anything about running a company. You gotta keep on powering ahead and not stress too much about it."
The 30 year old CEO does not consider Facebook a waste of time. According to him, connecting with your friends and family is not a waste of time because they are all that matters. 'Facebook contributes to social discussion by bringing various opinions on the platform and allowing every voice to be heard', was his response when asked about social media's role in bringing communities together.  
When asked about teenagers using Facebook, Zuckerberg told them to follow the rules and not to allow them access to the platform until they turn 13 and then again teach them the right manner. He definitely does not want to discourage kids, because he did start young and always thought that technology had a positive effect on him.
Zuckerberg feels that coding is a way of disciplining and creating something new, understanding engineering is invaluable.
About the frequent updates, he said, 'What we try to do is update the privacy policy about once a year to reflect tech and product and business changes in that year. as technology evolves, Facebook might want to build things on location for example, so that’s something we’ll put into our privacy policy. We don’t want to change it too often. It’s a lot to read through and digest. Sometimes we do the changes well, sometimes we don’t and get criticised. But we need to follow the technical progress of new things we can do."
When asked about his favourite pizza topping he quipped, "My view on this important issue is if you’re gonna be eating pizza, you might as well have fried chicken on pizza."

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