Dating and Relationship Tips For Women

To have a man treat you with respect and awe, you must not only respect yourself, but know your own WORTH. And present yourself accordingly. 

To be respected, you should be a proper LADY and feminine at all times (let him feel like a knight. :-)) 

A high caliber man is drawn to women who demonstrate POSITIVE 'social proof' (a psychological phenomenon and tool for attractinghigh-ranking members of the opposite sex.)

Ideally, when it comes to social proof, a man should perceive your self-worth, as well as see your success and popularity with men. 

On the other hand, if a man sees you being passed over or rejected by numerous men, your social value will be perceived (even subconsciously,) as LOW. 

Not only that, but you'll be 'scored' negatively by the man. 

**Never tell the one you want about your LACK of success in attracting men, or in keeping them around/interested.  

Whatever your particular ache is, remember lovely, YOU are the one who should do something about it. 

Others may be kind, others may help, but nothing will help you much if you don't provide the proper rallying spirit. 

Harping on about your troubles (including telling a man all about your lack of success with men,) only makes them worse, andhighlights them. 

Besides that, it's not very elegant.

Furthermore, SELF-PITY, as well as a lack of confidence, is a sure destroyer of beauty, femininity, life and love (and sanity.) So give that self-pity a stiff kick where it will do the most good! 

You'll find NEW beauty in yourself. Love will also stay with you, and life will be happy again (as life should be. :-)) 

Sanity will take care of itself.

Dating and Relationship Tips For Women; Carry Yourself Like a Confident and Composed LADY

When you're in social situations; 


Don't overdo the gestures or the movements (because its in bad taste,) but do move gracefully.

While you're doing that, show off your WRISTS. The wrists are intimate areas on a woman's body, and exposing them to men subliminally suggests that you're not closed to them, and you're willing to communicate. :-)

Stand tall.

Make eye contact with men (but don't stare!) 


Don't think it's seductive for a woman to stand with her legs spread, her feet wide apart, and her hands on her hips. 

This may sometimes look cute in jeans, but it looks terrible in a dress, or in an evening gown.

You'd be surprised how many women do this. In dresses, too!

When you're all dressed up like a LADY, dove, make certain that you're standing like a lady. Moreover, if you pull in your rear you'll take a couple of inches off your hips. ;-)

A lady is well-mannered and pleasant at all times. She doesn't start debates or arguments with people, and even if someone irritates or offends her, she's as calm and as sweet as usual. 

Always make a man's first impression of you a GOOD one by carrying yourself well and having an aura of confidence and composure. Probably many of you are already aware that first impressions are formed within the first four to five minutes of meeting a person.

Dating and Relationship Tips For Women; Portray Good Breeding

A high caliber man is attracted to women who portray the signs and the traits of 'good breeding.' 

Good breeding generally has to do with a woman's;

1. Reputation

2. Birth/rank/prestige/distinction. 

3. Education/eloquence/grasp of the English language (and other languages.) 

4. Manners. 

5. Cultivation of taste. 

6. Dignity.

7. Carriage.

8. Hospitality.

9. Moral Character/temperament. 

10. Reason. 

Furthermore, doll, as a well-bred lady, don't feel guilty PAMPERING yourself every so often. Have a little whim satisfied. 

Don't deny yourself the occasional pleasure!

These can be SIMPLE whims, or little pleasures;

Sleeping in.

A relaxing foam bath. 

Arranging a day of beauty while catching up with friends.

Kisses in the kitchen.

Treating yourself to breakfast in the local cafe.

Buying yourself that gorgeous, but inexpensive piece of jewelry....

You're worth it!

Dating and Relationship Tips For Women; Give a (Good) Man Encouragement and Praise

What does every good man THRIVE on, dove? 

Encouragement and praise! 

Many men almost seem to live for it, and never grow tired of it. When a woman gives a man encouragement and praise, he can virtually grow wings! He's finally able to outdo himself. 

Of course the 'modern geisha' never fails to take advantage of this potent tool. And by applying a few drops of this balm to her man's soul (plus a few drops of feminine charm,)  her man is ENAMORED with her! 

Dating and Relationship Tips For Women; Make the Merchandise Appealing (Sell Yourself!)

You may need to start thinking of the one you want as a potential 'buyer.' In doing that, make the merchandise (you) highly desirable, and SUPERIOR to the competition (you can also do that by discovering and putting into practice my modern geisha secrets. ;-))

Furthermore, to make the merchandise appealing and to sell yourself;

Get (and keep) the 'junk' (faults and imperfections,) out of sight.

Be emotionally independent, and do lots of things that don't involve the one you want.

Create a sense of URGENCY in him by spending time with other potential buyers. Start simultaneously dating at least two other men. 

**It has to be at least TWO other men. If it's just one other man, it only creates a 'me or him' situation. After studying the competition (the second guy,) the one you want will often brand the second guy as a loser (because of male pride.) 

However, by dating at least TWO other men, he won't have time to really study the competition. And you'll be able to keep your self-control and perspective (and be so hard to get that he has to focus intensely on you, and compete for you. ;-))

If your potential buyer complains about you dating other men, tell him (calmly) that ENGAGEMENT and marriage are exclusivity, not 'dating.' Also tell him that you don't 'date,' you only court men.

Never give the one you want all of the benefits of MARRIAGE without the commitment and responsibility. 

Why would a man bother getting married if he can get ALL the sex and companionship he wants, without having to get married? And with zero competition?

Some of you might see this as a woman using her femininity to manipulate a man/men. However, in this particular case, the manipulation is used in a positive way, and isn't done to exploit a man, but to INSPIRE him and lead him.

I see it as an artful method of influencing a man to where you want him to go, and managing him skillfully. ;-)

If we're honest about it, all of us manipulate (to some extent!) It's especially true when it comes to selling and advertising. And in this case, we're selling and advertising ourselves.

Dating and Relationship Tips For Women; Avoid Boredom and Predictability

Do you want to know two of the greatest ENEMIES of a long-term relationship between yourself and a man?

It's boredom and predictability!

By nature, a man is a hunter and warrior. He needs to be constantly conquering and exploring NEW, and different territory. 

In other words, he wants to be stimulated.

So satisfy your man's need for novelty and variety. Avoid being monotonous. Avoid doing the SAME thing all of the time. 

Be unpredictable, and introduce novelty into the relationship. 

Madame de  Pompadour, the French mistress of King Louis XV (and going down in history as a great enchantress,) managed brilliantly in dispelling her man's boredom. She developed a special strategy of behavior to keep the King's interest, and came up every day with something new and original for him.

Some of the artful ways that Madame de  Pompadour entertained King Louis were;

Playing various musical instruments.


Telling jokes.

Interviewing the most outstanding minds of the time. 

Keeping Louis enthralled for hours in the bedroom by sexual role-playing and wearing intricate costumes. ;-)

**You can learn many more of Madame Pompadour seduction secrets in my seductress school. 

Here's another tip for keeping your man interested; Be MYSTERIOUS!  

The main secret of feminine charm is not being the prettiest, the slimmest, or the richest woman. It's being the SMARTEST woman, and having a good understanding of male psychology. 

In other words, understanding exactly what your man needs and supplying it. 

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