Can Vedic Maths make up for sex education? Shiksha Bachao Andolan wants lessons on spirituality; sex education scrapped

If controversial activist Dinanath Batra has his way, sex education in schools would soon be replaced with Vedic Maths and similar subjects.
Batra does not want sex education to be a part of curriculum in the new school education policy being drafted by the ministry of human resources and development (MHRD). The ministry is seeking inputs from all stakeholders.
Batra's Shiksha Bachao Andolan (SBA) wants Vedic Mathematics, ancient Indian knowledge, spirituality and environment-related principles in Vedas and Upanishadas in the school curriculum and wants sex education out.
Formed in 2004, the SBA Samiti has emerged as the most vocal among the Hindutva brigade's moral vigilantes. Over the years, the Samiti has forced several public and private bodies to give in to its demands regarding changes in education.

At present, Central Board of School Education's (CBSE) biology texts for the eight standard and above have chapters on sex education, under the 'Adolescence and Reproductive Sexual Health Programme'. It covers issues related to nutrition, health, hygiene, physical fitness and mental health besides drug abuse, reproductive and sexual health and HIV-AIDS.
Batra (89) was unavailable for comment due to poor health. His colleague and co-convenor of the SBA, Atulbhai Kothari, says, "We need not follow western countries blindly. A simple fact check can tell you that all these countries are witnessing higher incidences of teenage sex. Teaching about sex in classrooms is one of the worst ideas to spoil kids in the name of education. The flawed policy must be corrected," says Kothari, who, along with Batra, is preparing a comprehensive report to "guide" MHRD on the new education policy to be submitted to the ministry by May 2015.
Batra and several right wing groups have been opposing sex education since educationists, psychologists and NGOs started advocating it in the 90s and the CBSE finally introduced it in 2007.

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