Actor Madhavan's son gets PETA's 'Compassionate Kid' award

He's just 9 years old, but with his love and concern for animals, Vedaant is giving his actor father Madhavan some serious competition. His mother says that he would promptly sit down and pet even a crocodile if they would let him. Maybe that's why he was singled out by animal rights group People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) for the 'Compassionate Kid' award. In a telephonic interview with Gitanjali Das, Vedaant spoke about his countless pets and how fast he is walking in the footsteps of his dad, a long-time PETA supporter.
Why do you love animals so much? Did you get inspired by your dad?
Yes I did. Even since I was a baby, I have been surrounded by animals. We had a german shepherd named Princess. I used to lean on her and sleep. I had a hamster and frogs too. They are so loving and kind. Even outside my school, I play with stray dogs because they are so friendly.
Tell us about your pets.
I have a parrot named Ashley, and two dogs. One is a St Bernard named Dean, and a Chow Chow named Hulk, because he is big and hairy and looks like Hulk. I also have some fish. I also have four dogs and a cat in Malaysia.
What about the wild animals? Some people find them scary.
I don't find them scary, they are so cute! I have seen tigers and crocodiles in safaris abroad. They are very beautiful.
How do you want to help animals?
On my birthday, I tell my parents to make donations to PETA instead of giving me presents. I always tell my friends to have pets. When they see me with my pets, even they feel like getting one. I tell them to try not to eat too much non-vegetarian food. When I grow up, I want to build shelters for homeless animals. I also want to do something to save jungles because they are home to many wild animals.
Your father has spoken out against elephants being kept active. Are you proud of him?
Yes, very. Elephants are huge, so they need a huge space like jungles to live in. I would never ride an elephant. It's cruel because we should not mistreat them like that.

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