2014: Celebrity body-morphing

Gwyneth Paltrow
WHAT SHE DID: An annual winter detox
HER 'SECRET'? She swears by it. She revealed her diet plan in January. It's basically a 300-calorie-a-day diet. One begins the day with room-temperature lemon water in the morning, followed by clear carrot soup for lunch, and a handful of seeds as a snacking option. Also, all thefood and beverage intake has to be unprocessed, have zero added sugar, caffeine or gluten.

Christian Bale
WHAT HE DID: Weight gain and back-to-back loss
HIS 'SECRET'? For the gain in American Hustle, doughnuts, cheeseburgers and any other junk food he could get his hands on. For the loss in Exodus: Gods and Kings in 2014, he shed pounds through a strict workout regime under expert supervision and lived on an apple, a cup of coffee, and water every day. He followed this routine and eating habit for weeks. He took a few supplements too, to make sure that he got the required amount of nutrients for his body. To cut down on temptation, he strictly said no to friends, social life, drinks, and dinners.

Chris Pratt
WHAT HE DID: Lost weight for Guardians Of The Galaxy
HIS 'SECRET'? A chubby Chris Pratt ditched 65 pounds in six months for rock-hard muscles. His workout included running, swimming, boxing, kickboxing, and he even completed a triathlon. Appraently, he got a personal trainer and nutritionist on board with who's help, the actor increased his caloric intake to 4,000 calories a day and drank loads of water.

Jake Gyllenhaal
WHAT HE DIDweight loss and beefy ripped look again
HIS 'SECRET'? Despite possessing an already lean frame, Jake Gyllenhaal shed an additional 30 pounds to play the character of Lou Bloom, as a night-time breaking news reporter seeking crime stories in Los Angeles for his movie Nightcrawler. Speaking about his motivation to lose weight, Jake said, "I could feel that he needed to be hungry, you know, and I wanted to explore that idea." After shedding the pounds for Nightcrawler, the 34-year-old actor beefed up and got super ripped for another flick Southpaw. Here, he plays a boxer fighting his way to the top of the sport.

Angelina Jolie
WHAT SHE DID: Continued a diet that ensures she looks underweight
HER 'SECRET'? She is believed to be following the Ancient Grains Diet. This diet basically entails hardly any other food besides foodgrains that have been around or have changed since ancient times, for example, quinoa, millet, chia seeds and buckwheat to name a few. Phew!

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