Women with many male friends get more sex, says study

If you are a woman and have many male friends, than you are likely to have more sex. This may look obvious but it's not. According to researchers, "Men are sexually aroused by their partner when they estimate a greater likelihood of partner infidelity."

So when a girl has lots of male friends or colleagues, the more sex her partner will want to have with her - especially if he believes the men find his partner attractive, the metro.co.uk reported citing the study.

"If they estimate a greater likelihood of their partner's infidelity, then they may (subconsciously) want to have sex with her to enter into sperm competition," it quoted Michael Pham of Oakland University as saying.

He said that sperm competition occurs at a subconscious level.

The same behaviour is seen in various animals too.

"Non-human males attend to a number of potential sexual rivals in the local environment to assess sperm competition risk," Pham said adding "Males of these species sometimes perform more frequent in-pair copulations to increase the likelihood of success in sperm competition."

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