The Shaukeens review: Akshay Kumar, 3 old perverts and a hottie in a sexist movie

Chris Nolan's Interstellar makes a profound observation - we are not meant to save the world, we are meant to leave it. This axiom comes true the moment you walk out of watching The Shaukeens. It's not just a film, it feels like one of the elements that would end mankind.

One doesn't need to watch the original 1982 Basu Chatterjee film to connect with or understand The Shaukeens. There is literally nothing in this film to make you like it, unless you really dig regressive cinema. It's also very difficult to analyze or have an educated film discussion on the film, because:

1) The whole film is about three horny, misogynist, perverted old men trying to score chicks, and

2) A major plot point in the film involves close-ups of Piyush Mishra's underwear crotch.

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