Middle class musings: Why AAP deserves to win Delhi again

The Aam Aadmi Party is trying to recover its lost base, particularly among the urban electorate, through Delhi Dialogue. For a change, the party appears more sober, humble and mature in its approach. Conspicuously missing are the holier-than-thou attitude, the ‘my way or the high way’ approach and the street-fighting ways and there’s a constructive agenda visible. This may not be enough to undo the damage the party has inflicted upon itself in the last one year, but it’s a good sign nevertheless.
The AAP should come to power in Delhi again. It not for the reason that the BJP or the Congress ought to be taught a lesson for their hubris, but for the simple reason that it is a fresh experiment that needs some space to play out. The verdict on the 49-day rule of the party is mixed. However, it’s too small a period to judge anything. The party deserves a second chance to prove itself.