How to Improve Interpersonal Communication Skills?

1) Listen before you Speak: This is a golden rule and the first rule to be followed in order to improve your interpersonal communication skills, as certain people tend to speak with the different perception without listening completely to what others say and end up in a bad situation.

So be patience and listen completely to what others say, so that you can give the best reply or suggestion. And Moreover a good listenercan learn lot of new things from others, as one can always learn from others, no matter the age and gender of a person. 

2) Choose the right words: For this one has to practice a lot, for choosing the right word, one has to strictly follow the first rule of Interpersonal skills " Listen before you speak" this will help 50% of your effort to choose the right words.

The other practices would be to improve your ways of thinking towards a situation or a topic, the following are the ways of thinking:

"Different Types of Thinking to improve your interpersonal skills

a) Critical thinking - This is convergent thinking. It assesses the worth and validity of something existent. It involves precise, persistent, objective analysis. When teachers try to get several learners to think convergently, they try to help them develop common understanding.

b) Creative thinking - This is divergent thinking. It generates something new or different. It involves having a different idea that works as well or better than previous ideas.

c) Convergent thinking This type of thinking is cognitive processing of information around a common point, an attempt to bring thoughts from different directions into a union or common conclusion.

d) Divergent thinking - This type of thinking starts from a common point and moves outward into a variety of perspectives.

e) Inductive thinking - This is the process of reasoning from parts to the whole, from examples to generalizations.


3) Argue, But Don't Shout: Some people get emotional and start shouting to prove their point, but no one like a person who shouts so try to be polite and explain in detail as to what you are trying to say, this will impress others in a big way. This is a very important aspect to enhance your interpersonal communication skills.

4) Smile when you speak: Having a smile on your face when you speak tells others that you are a confident person, but make sure that your smile is a not a fake one. If you are able to smile naturally and convey putting your right words then you are on top of the table in terms of best interpersonal communication skills.

5) Look into eyes:  This is another factor that tells you that you are confident about what you are speaking, when people believe that you are confident about what  you are trying to say then the chance of listening to you is more and hence you develop very good interpersonal skills with others.

6)  Talk with examples:  Everyone thinks that they are right during a communication, so if at all you are making a point to prove, always prove with the past examples, this will convince most of the people on earth. This type of interpersonal skill develop only by regular practice.

7) Show positive body language and gestures: 

Things to follow with body language and gestures: 

a) Don't fold your hands.

b) Don't break knuckles.

c) Sit or Stand erect.

d) Speak loud enough.

e) Be expressive by waving your hands.

The above mentioned steps are some of the simplest steps to have a proper body language which would help you to have a better interpersonal skill during your day to day communication.

8) Be diplomatic: Diplomacy is the art of saying someone go to hell in such way that he/she looks forward for the trip, so try to be diplomatic in certain times so that it doe's not hurt others. But at the same time do remember that if you are diplomatic always, people might think that you are not honest so plan yourself when you have to diplomatic and when not. 

9) Be straight forward: As I told you in the last point that being diplomatic always will make others think that you are not honest at times, to when situation demands be straight forward in what you are trying to say. This will make others realize that you are true in what you are saying, which in turn will make you an excellent communicator.

I am sure the above mentioned points will help you to improve your interpersonal communication skills in your daily life and achieve success every arguments that you face in your life. 

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