Bill Cosby killed 1980s sex scandal by leaking daughter`s drug abuse

 Bill Cosby sold out his daughter Erinn by leaking story about her drug problems to kill his sex scandal story, it has been revealed.

A former reporter for the National Enquirer recently claimed that the gossip mag had a story about Cosby "swinging with Sammy Davis Jr. and some showgirls in Las Vegas" in 1989 when the 77-year-old comedian's show was No 1 in TV ratings, the New York Post reported.
When Cosby was contacted for a comment about the upcoming sex article, he allegedly told the supermarket weekly about his then-23-year-old daughter's alleged addictions to drugs and alcohol. The source said that his editor told him that Cosby was the source and he "ratted out his flesh and blood."
Cosby was quoted in the story as saying, "Deep down inside, she knows we love her."