'Bigg Boss' was a nightmare, says Nigaar

Actress Nigaar Z. Khan is relieved upon her eviction from "Bigg Boss 8" as she felt the reality show was nothing less than a nightmare for her.

She was voted out of the show in only two weeks of her stay Sunday night, and Nigaar says she couldn't be happier.

"It was one of the worst experiences of my life. I'm so glad to be out of there. Every moment in there was a living nightmare," she said.

Nigaar couldn't believe the level of negativity inside the 'house', where celebrities from different walks of life are made to stay under constant surveillance of multiple cameras.

"All the contestants seem to be in there to wallow in muck. It is said that a lotus blossoms in muck. But sorry, I'd rather not be in that situation. God has other far healthier plans for me," said the actress, whose sister Gauahar won the last season of the show.

Nigaar's tirade continues.

"It's almost as if the people in there enjoy the bitterness. I'm used to an atmosphere of positivity. To be honest, I am glad I was voted out. I couldn't have survived in there for much longer," she said.

Like many other evicted contestants, Nigaar has come out fuming against Puneet Issar.
"He's a completely negative force. He brings out the worst in everyone. When I was leaving the show, I was shown footage where he was bad-mouthing me. Since Salman (show's host Salman Khan) and Puneet are friends, Salman must have shocked Puneet Issar by standing up for me and reprimanding Puneet," she said.
Nigaar scoffs at Puneet's double-faced attitude.

"You should be man enough to say what you have to in front of me. In fact, one of the things that went against me was my honestly. I was determined to stay true to myself. So what if I had to pay a price for it? Puneet keeps saying 'God Bless' to everyone when he actually means, 'Go to hell'."

Nigaar feels the contestants were against her from the start.

"I was a wild card entry and they felt I was barging in. I was uncomfortable from the word go," she said.

She has come away with fond feelings for two contestants.

"Upen Patel is a gem of a guy. He's all heart, no cunning. And though I didn't get much time with Aarya Babbar, he too is a beautiful person. I'd like meet up with them at some point later. As for the other contestants, never again!"
The same goes for "Bigg Boss".

"This experience has taught me to value what I have. My family and my friends mean the world to me. I have a beautiful life. I'd want to hold on to it," she said.