Each and everyone has an account on at least one social network nowadays. Employees, managers, executives and even businesses owners are using social media platforms for both personal and professional purposes.
Therefore, one single social media mistake can ruin your shot at a job without you ever knowing:
  • “I’m over 21 and its my personal life” won’t be a sufficient excuse after posting a photo in which you are over drunk or smoking weed.
  • Insulting and infringing isn’t humorous, particularly when it comes to professional life.
  • Photos in bikini are acceptable unless it is a one piece bikini, the down part only.
    Image source: tmz.com
    Image source: tmz.com
  • Complaining about the job online won’t be acceptable by any boss even if you did not mention your work name/place.
  • Revealing company secrets online is a betrayal and lack of confidentiality.
  • Posting at work may be normal unless when in an important meeting with the manager.
  • Posting a photo partying while you are on a sick leave isn’t ingenious.
    Image source: dyersoundworks.com
    Image source: dyersoundworks.com
  • Your boss won’t like any post you wrote about how silly he is.
  • Making fun of a client won’t be acceptable neither by him nor by your managers.
    Image source: askmen.com
    Image source: askmen.com
For a generation living online the most of its time, considering privacy settings, thinking well before accepting a coworker/boss friend request and double checking each and every post is a must, regardless of the profession type.

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