What Mobile App Trends Can We Expect to See in 2015?

As smart devices continue to spread around the globe, and smartphones alone set to outnumber humans sometimes this year, the demand for top notch apps is spreading like wildfire. So what are the trends in this ever-growing app world and how might they affect the apps we use?

More Mobile OS's

A device is running with Firefox OS software
With the mobile market expanding exponentially, Apple and Google have pioneered and retained a large portion of the market share. However, as with all competition, demand creates options. Developers will have a few more platforms in the coming months as Firefox, Ubuntu and Sailfish plan to release OS's for alternative, less expensive smartphones. It may take some time for these to gain much traction, if they survive at all, but at the very least it will expand the App marketplace beyond it’s current borders.

Multi screen Use

Consumers tend to have, on average, more than 6 mobile devices per household. From smartphones to tablets, people are accessing apps and the Internet in more ways than ever before. Expect apps to cater to the increased demand for a multi screen experience. The newest video game consoles are already offering second screen integration, and apps that sync with the cloud offer a continuous experience across devices. As the technology grows, apps may begin to offer a multi screen, simultaneous experience where smartphones and tablets offer different content at the same time in tandem with each other.

More Online Devices

Currently, the term mobile refers almost exclusively to smartphones. The Internet of Things, however, is already starting to break new ground as more and more devices go online. Samsung has already released a WiFi washing machine and Nest, recently purchased by Google, created a smartphone-controlled smoke detector. The more we find ourselves with appliances and objects connected to the Internet, the more we will have a need for centralized, app-based control. Apps will evolve with our technology to provide a more fluid experience.


iOS Healthcheck App
Apple plans to release Healthbook in an iOS update later this year possibly in conjunction with its new wearable tech; the iWatch. Set to give a much needed overhaul to digital healthcare, it could provide a constant stream of specific personal data to your health care professional. As with any new concession of privacy, it will raise concerns about the security of that data. Expect more apps and developers to provide assurances as to the security of your data in their hands as well as failsafes that keep it in your control.

Passwords for Fingerprints

The success of Apple’s TouchID has already provided measurable results in terms of convenience and a more pleasant user experience. Now that the technology has had some real world testing, Apple may expand the use of TouchID. Rival companies are already planning their own fingerprint sensors, and this will mean more creative and practical uses for the tech on devices dominated by their usefulness with apps. As developers gain access to the phone’s ability to scan a fingerprint, and thereby verify the identify of the user, expect more shortcuts through often cumbersome security measures and increased versatility with the press of a finger.

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