101 Signs of Cheating

1.       She’s changed her appearance. Who is she trying to impress?2.       She’s never where she says she is. Who is she sneaking around with?

3.       She’s not interested in sex, at least not with you.
4.       She won’t answer her phone when you call.

5.       She’s preoccupied. Who is she daydreaming about?
6.       Something just doesn’t feel right, but you need proof, not feelings.

7.       She’s getting her nails done again. When you met she had a perfect manicure...
8.       She’s hiding her money from you. Did she open a new bank account for more than saving?

9.       Sex with her has gotten a lot better, she’s learned those new techniques somewhere.

10.   She’s got a new group of friends and they’re all single.

11.   She’s been tanning, and you don’t have any beach vacations planned.
12.   She’s working a lot of overtime. Where’s the $?

13.   She says YOU are paranoid. But she’s obviously keeping secrets.
14.   She’s buying everything with cash. ATM withdraws on your account has tripled.

15.   She’s not satisfied, she’s criticizing your technique. Who’s she comparing you to?
16.   She’s got a new email account. Who is she emailing at 2am?

17.   She’s got a new hobby that takes up all of her time. Who is this hobby?
18.   Your friends are telling you she’s cheating.

19.   She’s suddenly really interested in fitness. She’s trying to impress someone.
20.   She can’t remember where she got those new earrings. Who bought them? You didn’t.

21.   She’s got a Victoria’s Secret Charge card but never wears the lingerie when you’re around.
22.   She’s always too busy for your family functions. She’s avoiding them too.

23.   She’s 
too busy to do things for you. She used to make you coffee every morning.24.   She says YOU don’t trust her. She’s projecting her guilt on you.

25.   She has a trendy new hairstyle and she’s spending more at the salon than you do on gas.

26.   She changed the password on her laptop.

27.   Your junk itches. STOP reading this get an STD test NOW, then get Infidelity DNA test.
28.   She’s not as affectionate and ‘forgets’ to kiss you goodnight.

29.   She’s all about more ME time and less WE time. Where have the good times gone?
30.   You’re catching her in little lies. She wasn’t working late last night she went to Happy Hour.

31.   She’s got a new style.
32.   She wants more privacy. You know all of her secrets and you are smothering her.

33.   Sex is just going through the motions.

101 Signs of Cheating 1-33

You can contact She Cheated and talk to an infidelity DNA specialist by calling 888-908-9046 or emailing info@shecheated.net
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101 Signs of Cheating: 14

Have you noticed a change in your wife’s spending habits? If the number of cash withdraws on your bank statement has recently doubled 
or more you might consider that she’s cheating. Your girlfriend is using cash for everything so you won’t find out how or where she’s spending her money. Infidelity could be an issue in your relationship.

Cash is king 
or Queen, in the eyes and cold heart of a cheater. Consider that during the course of a day it’s possible to use your bank card a handful or more times. Gas + Coffee + lunch + the market on the way home... A credit or debit transaction leaves a paper trail. Armed with a computer or a bank statement you can pinpoint your wife’s whereabouts very easily. But if she pays in cash there’s no way to tell where’s she’s gone. Ask yourself, what is she buying? Where is she buying and why the need for secrecy?

You can contact She Cheated and talk to an infidelity DNA specialist by calling 888-908-9046 or emailing 


101 Signs of Cheating: 13

Is your lady a tanning addict? California girls like the Kardashians have invaded every facet of pop culture. It’s super sexy to be tan no matter the climate or season. Has your girlfriend gone from pasty white to luxuriously tanned? You need to ask yourself, is she getting sexy for you, or another man?
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101 Signs of Cheating: 12

She says you are paranoid. She’s projecting. Your wife may herself, be paranoid and projecting that paranoia on you.
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101 Signs of Cheating: 11


Is she at work, or somewhere else?
 A demanding career can wreak havoc on even the healthiest relationships. If your wife has recently began working more you might find yourself being suspicious. Is she staying late at work of is she sneaking off to cheat?

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101 Signs of Cheating : 10

If your girlfriend has suddenly surrounded herself with all the single ladies you may have cause for concern. All women are influenced by their friends. If her single lady friends have a clubbing habit you’ll want to consider how much trust you have in your relationship. A wandering lady is a cheating lady.More about Infidelity Testiing

101 Signs of Cheating: 9

The sex is getting better. A lot better. Your lady has learned some new techniques and of course they are great but where is learning them from? Magazines like Cosmo and Glamour claim to reveal the secret to Driving your man wild in bed, at least once a week. Is your lady reading cosmo or getting practice outside of the relationship? 

cheating wife
Call She Cheated at 888-908-9046 to find out if DNA Infidelity Testing is Right for You.
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Valentine's Day


Getting a lot of calls today from the broken hearted.

101 Signs of Infidelity: 8

Money is the number one reason that couples fight. Relationship experts tell us that it’s healthy and beneficial for couples to have their own discretionary money to spend. Have you noticed a change in your girlfriend’s spending habits. Is she hiding money from you? Hiding money could be a sing of cheating.
Call She Cheated at 888-908-9046 to find out if DNA Infidelity Testing is Right for You. 

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101 Signs of Infidelity: 7

If your wife or girlfriend has suddenly developed a habit of weekly manicures, beware she may be on the hunt for or may have already found another man. Sexual infidelity requires looking her best and what better place to start then with her hands. More about Infidelity Testiing

101 Signs of Infidelity: 6

Something just doesn’t feel right. Trust your gut. Your instincts have gotten you this far in life and you’ve found yourself in a great place. But you’ve got doubts and you just can’t seem to trust her. Is it infidelity?More about Infidelity Testiing

50 Ways to Leave your Lover

50 Ways to Leave your Lover. Paul Simon famously says the problem is all inside your head, it’s easy if you take it logically. This iconic song doesn’t really list fifty ways, just five. A new television show set to air on Valentine’s day picks up the slack left by Simon.More about Infidelity Testiing

Infidelity Test - Semen Screening

Semen Screening is the most popular infidelity test method currently offered. Our forensic semen screen test is guaranteed to be accurate. Semen Screening can be performed at home or by forensic science professionals in a laboratory. Our testing is performed in a laboratory. She Cheated advises that all testing be performed in a sterile professional laboratory environment. Home testing semen detection kits should be confirmed by a laboratory.
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101 Signs of Cheating: 5

She’s preoccupied and ignoring your needs. Your girlfriend has always been attentive. Her in the moment, down to earth attitude is what attracted you to her. Lately she’s got her head in the clouds. Could it be that she’s daydreaming about another guy? Infidelity? Did she cheat?More about Infidelity Testiing

US Divorce Rates and Infidelity

Infidelity is the number one reason for divorce in the US. It is estimated that one in five women will cheat on their partners. The average divorce rate in the US over the past 12 years is 7.6%. At a minimum half of those divorces were the result of a cheating spouse.More about Infidelity Testiing

101 Signs of Cheating: 4

Your wife won’t answer when you call, the same phone she won’t let out of her sight. She’s texting and giggling. When she’s home she answers every call. Calls from just a friend. Is she being unfaithful?More about Infidelity Testiing

Good News for the New Year

Over the holiday season we received this email from a prior She Cheated customer who had caught his wife cheating. With his permission we are sharing his infidelity story for our readers. We want you to know that not all infidelity DNA test results come with a sad ending. Happy endings are possible in all relationships. More about Infidelity Testiing

101 Signs of Cheating: 3

She’s not interested in sex… with you. Life sometimes gets in the way of a great sex life. In the beginning of your relationship she needed it all the time. Things cooled off and you had a great routine going. Then suddenly it stopped.More about Infidelity Testiing

101 Signs of Cheating: 2

She’s never where she says she is. Last Friday she was supposed to meet you at the school for your son’s basketball game. She was forty-five minutes late. She said she was held up at work. But you called, and they said she had left an hour earlyMore about Infidelity Testiing

101 Signs of Cheating: 1

She’s recently changed her appearance. Ladies are creatures of habit and there are really only a handful of reasons they’ll go from demure housewives to pub crawling sexpots. They want a new man or they’ve found a new man.More about Infidelity Testiing

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