Top 15 reasons for why there should be an elder sibling!!

Lets face it; sibling love is the best love. Sure, you thrive on a love-hate relationship, feel something is amiss if you don’t fight with them at least once in the day, and just cannot stand their guts at times. But your older sibling was your first friend, and guess what? This one’s for keeps. So, if you have an older one looking out for, just thank your stars — we all know you lucked out! Why? Not that you really need a reason, but we’re going to go ahead and give you 15 in any case!
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1. You don’t need to spend hours reasoning about things like coming home at 4 AM on a Saturday night with your parents. Your older sibling has already played the guinea pig to score all those permissions like drinking on night outs, clubbing, staying over at a friend’s place, dating and heading to Goa every December!
2. Your nosy aunt told your mother how they caught you at a movie instead of attending class? Don’t worry, you super sibling will cover for you.
3. They have the best taste in everything from music, movies, sitcoms and fashion — and they will be happy to oblige you with all their wisdom. Remember how you already knew all about cool college lingo when you were in high school itself?
4. Nobody dared to bother you in school because you were their little sister/brother. And the teachers loved you (or not, depending on their antics).
5. All their friends treat you as their little one too and spoil you to no end.
6. Four words: Borrow from their closet.
7. Sometimes their hand-me-downs are not as bad as you make them out to be.
8.  This seasoned veteran initiated you into the finer things in life — be it applying make up, drinking, clubbing, driving and heck even online shopping!
9. All those brawls, fistfights and wrestling matches have made you don’t-mess-with-me strong.
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10. You’ll never have to endure tedious family functions alone. Serious props to them for being your eye roll partner.
11. They spend a generous part of their earnings indulging you.
12. When you’re scared of making a confession to your parents, you can always tell them first and use their expertise (in matters like these; they’ve been there, done that, after all) to cushion any blows.
13. They’ll hold your hand when you get scared to go to kitchen all by yourself in the middle of the night.
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14. Your punk phase, rebel phase, and god-knows-what-alone phase — they’ve seen it all and have never been afraid to tell you as it is or snap you out of it.
15. Most importantly, they’ll always love you and never stop looking out for you. Aaww…yeah, they’re the best!

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