Solar Steam Boiler Helps Make The World Greener

Want to go green? There are many ways to do so, and driving an electric vehicle is definitely one of them. Having said that, with electric vehicles being touted to be the future, it would be prudent to figure out a reliable and eco-friendly method to generate electricity. While solar panels have been seen by many to be the answer, there is always the issue concerning cloudy places as well as the rainy season, not to mention we get a fair number of hours of night each day on average. Brenmiller Energy, a leading thermosolar company, decided to harness the sun’s energy in a better way, through the use of the sun’s heat instead of its light.
Being different from standard photovoltaic cells which will convert photon energy directly into electricity, Brenmiller’s use of the sun’s heat would mean using parabolic mirrors in order to concentrate the sun’s rays on a smaller patch, and the heat that could reach approximately 500 degrees C/932 F would then be used to create steam, which in turn moves the turbines to generate electricity.

Not new at all, but at least this system can store some of that heat which is generated and would be called upon whenever dusk falls, or the sun turns out to be shy and would like to hide behind some clouds. This result in a fully stabilized steam supply which theoretically speaking, is available 24 hours per day.

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