Hair Care Routine for Festive-Ready Tresses

Your hair, like everything else, needs a break from the daily stress, and some much-deserved TLC. Salon visits aside, we've listed down a daily routine for you to ensure that your tresses get that shine and bounce just in time for the festive season. Get started now!

Cleansing: Much like your skin, cleansing is an important routine for your hair. If you have coloured or chemically treated your tresses, make sure your shampoo contains special moisturising and pH balancing effects. If you wash your hair on a daily basis, opt for a sulfate-free shampoo as it prevents scalp dryness.

Moisturising: Moisturising your hair combats dryness making your hair look softer and bouncier. The thing with moisturisers, however, is that they are mostly water-based, meaning it's a pain to style your hair. The best thing to do is condition your hair in the night and wrap a towel around it, letting it dry overnight. This way you get perfectly soft tresses in the morning which, you are free to style the way you want to. You can also carry a small spray bottle in your purse and mist your tresses with conditioner (but make sure it's just a little). This keeps them shiny and healthy-looking throughout the day.

Deep Conditioning: This routine essentially involves using heat so that the conditioner can penetrate your hair shaft. However, if you don't have a hair steamer you can try using an easy DIY hairconditioning mask. Blend together aloe vera, coconut oil and cocoa, as they have moisturising properties, and layer generously on your hair. Cover it with a shower cap and curl up with your favourite book. A bonus tip: While applying the mask focus on the ends of your hair as these are usually the most damaged parts of your hair.

Hair wraps: Unfortunately even while sleeping we can end up damaging our tresses. Your cotton and linen pillowcases do more harm than good as they tend to 'catch' on our hair and cause breakage. So before you go to sleep, wrap a silk or satin scarf around your head, or put it over your pillow cover to keep your hair protected.

Hair massages: Just like our moms used to tell us, a good head massage can really work wonders for the tresses. You don't need to do it on an everyday basis, once a week is good enough. Use any light, natural hair oil and get your man to give you a desi champi. The massage helps boost blood circulation in the scalp leading to better growth and less dryness.

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