DARPA Brain Chips Can Implant Or Remove Memories

Just when you thought that intelligence agencies have got all of that brainwashing and mind control techniques down pat, along comes the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and their effort in developing new brain chips which will supposedly be able to implant or remove specific memories from a subject. This is certainly a chilling development, and most probably something that most of us would think should remain in the realm of science fiction. Of course, there is no need then for Prof. Xavier and his telepathic powers now, is there?

Imagine being able to program one’s mind using a potent cocktail of lasers, drugs and microchips so that false memories can be created. This particular technology has already been experimented upon by the proverbial lab rats, and it does seem to show progress in the right direction.
Neuroscientist Joseph LeDoux said, “DARPA seems to be going full steam ahead on these kinds of technologies. What they plan to do is put chips in [the brain]. It would be like a prosthesis—instead of moving your arm, you’re fixing memory. I have no idea how they would achieve that.” While this might sound creepy as you lose part of your humanity and automation, there is a bright side to it, especially when it comes to treating cases of PTSD, to reduce the level of anxiety or combating addiction and depression.

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